Getting Started =============== **Requirements:** Python 3 Create a Thing ************** To interact with Bucket, the first step is to visit `Bucket `_ to create an account and a Thing. During this process you will get the ID of your Thing (starting with `dcd:things:...`) and you will generate a public/private key. These 2 pieces of information are needed for your Python code to interact with Bucket. Setup a Python project ********************** Create a folder for your project and open it with VisualStudio Code. To avoid disturbing other Python setup on your machine, we setup a virtual environment with `virtualenv`. To create a virtual environment called `venv`, open the terminal (VisualStudio Code, directly in your project) and execute the following command: .. code-block:: console virtualenv venv Then we activate this environment with source: .. code-block:: console source venv/bin/activate If it worked properly, you should see `(venv)` appearing on the left side of the line in the Terminal. We can now install the DCD SDK library .. code-block:: console pip install dcd-sdk At this stage you can be prompted to update your pip module, you can do so with: .. code-block:: console pip install --upgrade pip Your Python setup is now ready. Basic example ************* In this example, we will create a property Accelerometer generating random values. It shows how to establish a connection with Bucket using your Thing id and your private key. This is a typical case for a Python code running on a device to collect data. In the file explorer (left-side panel), create a new file `` and add the following lines. .. code-block:: python :linenos: # Import Thing from the Data-Centric Design from dcd.entities.thing import Thing # Create an instance of Thing # (Replace with your thing id and the path to your private key) my_thing = Thing(thing_id="dcd:things:7f7fe4c6-45e9-42d2-86e2-a6794e386108", private_key_path="/path/to/private.pem") You can run this example in the terminal: .. code-block:: console python To stop the program, press `CTRL+C`. Once the connection is established with your Thing, we can get an overview of this Thing by printing the output of the method to_json(). Add the following line at the bottom of the file and run the program again. If you just registered your Thing on Bucket, it has only an id, a name and a type. .. code-block:: python print(my_thing.to_json()) Let's create a property 'My Python accelerometer'. The method find_or_create() looks for an existing property with this name. If none is found, it creates a new on with the type 'ACCELEROMETER' .. code-block:: python my_property = my_thing.find_or_create_property( "My Python Accelerometer", "ACCELEROMETER") Let's have a look at the property, it should contain the name and a unique id. The type also contains the dimensions, 3 in the case of an accelerometer. .. code-block:: python print(my_property.to_json()) We are ready to send data. In the code below we create a function that generates an array with 3 random values and add them to the property. We then make an infinite loop (while True) to send these random values every 2 seconds. To generate random numbers we need the library `random` and to wait 2 seconds we need the library `time`. These are part of Python, we just import them at the top of the file. .. code-block:: python from random import random import time Then, we can write our function at the bottom of the file. .. code-block:: python :linenos: # Let's create a function that generate random values def generate_dum_property_values(the_property): # Define a tuple with the current time, and 3 random values values = (random(), random(), random()) # Update the values of the property the_property.update_values(values) # Finally, we call our function to start generating dum values while True: generate_dum_property_values(my_property) # Have a 2-second break time.sleep(2) Environment Variables ********************* To avoid credentials in your code, the DCD Python Kit is looking for your thing id and private key from the environment variables. To set these variables, create a file `.env` and add the following lines (replace the thing id and the path by yours). .. code-block:: console THING_ID=dcd:things:7f7fe4c6-45e9-42d2-86e2-a6794e386108 PRIVATE_KEY_PATH=/path/to/private.pem The full example can be found `Here `_