

class dcd.bucket.thing.Thing(thing_id: str = None, private_key_path: str = 'private.pem', json_thing: dict = None)

This is a conceptual class representation of a physical or virtual entity collecting data.

thing_id : str
The id of the Thing, starting with “dcd:things:”.
name : str
Name of the Thing
description : str
Description of the Thing
thing_type : str
Type of the Thing
properties : Property[]
Properties of the Thing
private_key_path : str
Path to the private key to use for the generation of authentication tokens.
created_at : int
Creation time of the Thing on Bucket (UNIX timestamp)
updated_at : int
Last update time of the Thing on Bucket (UNIX timestamp)

Prints formatted JSON with the details of the Thing

find_or_create_property(property_name: str, type_id: str) → dcd.bucket.properties.property.Property

Search for a property in thing by name, create it if not found & return it.

property_name : str
The name of the property to look for.
type_id : str
The type of the property, so that we can create it if it is not found.
Property: The found or newly created Property.
find_property_by_name(property_name_to_find: str) → dcd.bucket.properties.property.Property

Search for a property in thing by name

property_name_to_find : str
The name of the property to look for.
Property: The found property, None if not found
find_shared_properties(group='*') → [<class 'dcd.bucket.properties.property.Property'>]

Search for properties that are accessible by the Thing.

group (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to “*”, fetching for all groups.
[Property]: Shared properties accessible by the Thing.
read_property(property_id: str, from_ts: int = None, to_ts: int = None) → dcd.bucket.properties.property.Property

Read the details of a property from Bucket

property_id : str
The id of the property to read
from_ts : int, optional
The start time of the values to fetch. Defaults to None.
to_ts : int, optional
The end time of the values to fetch. Defaults to None.
ValueError: The requested property is not part of the Thing ValueError: Could not parse the reponse
Property: The property with its details and values.
update_property(prop: dcd.bucket.properties.property.Property, file_name: str = None)

Send new property values to Bucket

prop : Property
The property containing values to send
file_name : str, optional
If media type property, the path to the file to upload. Defaults to None.


class dcd.bucket.thing.ThingToken(private_key_path: str, subject: str, issuer: str, audience: str, algorithm='RS256')

Handle JSON web token for the Thing authentication

decode(public_key_path: str = None, jwt_token: str = None) → dict

Decode a JWT, revealing the dictionary of its values

public_key_path : str, optional
The path to the public key. If none provided, looking at PUBLIC_KEY_PATH environment variable, or use ‘./public.pem’ as default. Defaults to None.
jwt_token : str, optional
String representing the JSON web token. If none provided, taking the one from the class Defaults to None.
dict: Decoded JSON Web Token including the issuer (iss), audience (aud), subject (sub), the creation date (iat) and the expiration date (exp)
get_token() → str

Check if the current JWT is still valid, refresh it if necessary and returns it.

str: The existing (and still valid) JWT or a newly generated JWT
refresh(duration_sec: int = 36000) → str

Use the private key to generate a new JWT.

duration_sec (int, optional): The life time of the token in seconds
str: the resulting JSON web token


class dcd.bucket.thing.ThingHTTP(thing, http_uri: str)

Handle Bucket interaction for a Thing via HTTP

create_property(name: str, type_id: str)

Create a new property on Bucket.

name : str
Name of the property to create
type_id : str
Type id of the property to create
Property: The newly created property
is_connected() → bool

Check whether the HTTP connection was established.

bool: Whether the initial HTTP request read() succeeded.
read() → bool

Read details of the Thing from Bucket.

bool: True if succeeded in reading the Thing details from Bucket
read_property(property_id: str, from_ts: int = None, to_ts: int = None) → dcd.bucket.properties.property.Property

Read the details of a property from Bucket

property_id : str
The id of the property to read
from_ts : int, optional
The start time of the values to fetch. Defaults to None.
to_ts : int, optional
The end time of the values to fetch. Defaults to None.
ValueError: The requested property is not part of the Thing ValueError: Could not parse the reponse
Property: The property with its details and values.
update_property(prop: dcd.bucket.properties.property.Property, file_name: str = None) → int

Update the values of a property on Bucket

prop : Property
The property to update
file_name : str, optional
The media to upload. Defaults to None.
int: Status response code
class dcd.bucket.thing.ThingMQTT(thing)
find_or_create_property(property_name: str, type_id: str)

Search for a property in thing by name, create it if not found & return it.

property_name : str
The name of the property to look for.
type_id : str
The type of the property, so that we can create it if it is not found.
update_property(prop: dcd.bucket.properties.property.Property, file_name: str)

Send new property values to Bucket

prop : Property
The property containing values to send
file_name : str, optional
If media type property, the path to the file to upload. Defaults to None.


class dcd.bucket.properties.property.Property(property_id: str = None, name: str = None, description: str = None, type_id: str = None, property_type: dict = None, json_property: dict = None, values: dict = (), thing=None)

” A DCD “Property” represents a numerical property of a Thing.


Create if missing, an intermediary row of values for each timestamp in prop2


Create a new Property with id and name of form “prop1+prop2”, concat dimension and values (MUST have same number of rows) and return this new property

read(from_ts=None, to_ts=None)

Read the details of a property from Bucket

from_ts : int|str, optional
The start time of the values to fetch. Can be a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds or a string date ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’. Defaults to None.
to_ts : int|str, optional
The end time of the values to fetch. Can be a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds or a string date ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’. Defaults to None.
Property: The property with its details and values.